Quality and safety - Girteka - Responsible Logistics

Quality and Safety at Girteka

Girteka takes pride in the fact that the company, which owns over 6,400 trucks and 7,000 trailers, is constantly improving the quality of services it provides to its customers. We want to make sure that every shipment, every delivery and every interaction with our customers is done with a purpose and with utmost attention to quality.

With the goal to continuously improve, promoting training to our employees, and being mindful of the environment around us, including the goal to slash our CO2 emissions, our certificates serves us a reminder of the hard work that had to be done for Girteka to be where it is right now.

Our certificates also allow us to expand the services that we are able to offer to our customers, including the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) and the IFS Logistics standard 2.2 certificates. In addition, the company’s certificates cover quality, physical cargo, including pharmaceuticals and medical products and food safety, occupational safety in the transportation of chemical products and environmental protection standards, showcasing our ability to transport your goods across Europe, Scandinavia, and the UK.

Quality and Safety at Girteka

Girteka takes pride in the fact that the company, which owns over 6,400 trucks and 7,000 trailers, is constantly improving the quality of services it provides to its customers. We want to make sure that every shipment, every delivery and every interaction with our customers is done with a purpose and with utmost attention to quality.

With the goal to continuously improve, promoting training to our employees, and being mindful of the environment around us, including the goal to slash our CO2 emissions, our certificates serves us a reminder of the hard work that had to be done for Girteka to be where it is right now.

Our certificates also allow us to expand the services that we are able to offer to our customers, including the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) and the IFS Logistics standard 2.2 certificates. In addition, the company’s certificates cover quality, physical cargo, including pharmaceuticals and medical products and food safety, occupational safety in the transportation of chemical products and environmental protection standards, showcasing our ability to transport your goods across Europe, Scandinavia, and the UK.

Girteka's Certificates

As Girteka aims to prove the highest quality of services to its customers, the company‘s certificates affirm that the logistics provider maintains its standards and is devoted to its sense of purpose, of being the obvious first choice for numerous stakeholders. To maintain these standards, in addition to the certificates, Girteka utilizes its own internal Quality Management teams. Furthermore, the company actively consults with external partners and advisors to not only ensure that the company‘s certificates are up to date, but that the road freight transport provider goes and above and beyond.

ISO 9001 – Quality Management

Girteka‘ quality management system is certified according to the ISO 9001 standard. The key objectives of the certificate are the creation of added value to the company‘s clients with sustained and profitable growth, providing high-quality services punctually, and regularly updating the company‘s offered business proposition.

ISO 14001 – Environmental Management

As we realize the impact and the effect that our operations can have on the environment, Girteka takes a proactive approach to reduce its emissions. Our environmental management system is certified according to the ISO 14001 standard, as the company emphasizes environmentally-friendly solutions for its road transport processes. The logistics provider utilizes HVO, a vegetable oil-based alternative fuel, as well as its intermodal rail network to aggressively reduce the impact on the environment and the amount of CO2 that the company emits.

For further information on the work that Girteka does to protect the environment, please see our Corporate Sustainability Reports that are available here.

Good Distribution Practice (GDP)

Across its history, Girteka has partnered with numerous leading Pharma companies. To further prove our excellence when working with temperature-sensitive and crucial medical supplies, we adhere to all of the standards that are defined by the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) certificate, which was certified by Bureau Veritas.

Girteka has dedicated personnel, trucks, and trailers, which are compliant with all GDP standards while we transport your pharmaceutical goods.

Benefits of allowing Girteka to handle your pharmaceutical logistics needs:

  • GDP compliant fleet;
  • Fully owned fleet of trucks and trailers dedicated to carrying your pharma goods;
  • Full truck load (FTL) network spanning across Europe, Scandinavia, and the UK;
  • Punctual deliveries with high attention to detail and quality.
  • GDP compliant operating standards;
  • Access to our 24/7 service center, backed up by our SOS and monitoring center to immediately react to any issues.

Safety & Quality Assessment System (SQAS) attestation

The attestation confirms that Girteka was assessed by an external party to confirm that the logistics provider‘s services adhere to all of the standards that are set out by the SQAS Transport Service Questionnaire and Guidelines, specifically covering the “Core” and “Transport Service Specific” elements.

SQAS is a detailed assessment that each company, working with chemical substances and the transportation of such substances, can be evaluated accordingly.

SQAS Summary Report – Vilnius

SQAS Summary Report – Sady

SQAS Summary Report – Šiauliai

Transport Asset Protection Association (TAPA) TSR Level 1

Carrying items in a secure manner is crucial, thus our security management systems were certified according to the Transport Asset Protection Association (TAPA) TSR Level 1 standard. The standard outlines the minimal acceptable security requirements to ensure the protection of high-value and other cargo during the road transport process.

TAPA TSR Girteka Europe West – Certificate Of Approval

TAPA TSR Girteka Nordic – Certificate Of Approval

TAPA TSR TNDM Trucking – Certificate Of Approval

International Featured Standards (IFS) Logistics

Girteka was certified according to the International Featured Standards (IFS) Logistics services provider standard, namely IFS Logistics Version 2.3. The company achieved a Higher Level of the standard, which assures that Girteka, as a road freight transport provider, can provide high-quality services when carrying ambient stable, refrigerated and frozen food products, as well as non-food products according to internationally accepted quality and safety rules and regulations.


IFS Certificate for Girteka Europe West

IFS Certificate for Girteka Nordic

Girteka's Certificates

As Girteka aims to prove the highest quality of services to its customers, the company‘s certificates affirm that the logistics provider maintains its standards and is devoted to its sense of purpose, of being the obvious first choice for numerous stakeholders. To maintain these standards, in addition to the certificates, Girteka utilizes its own internal Quality Management teams. Furthermore, the company actively consults with external partners and advisors to not only ensure that the company‘s certificates are up to date, but that the road freight transport provider goes and above and beyond.

ISO 9001 – Quality Management

Girteka‘s quality management system is certified according to the ISO 9001 standard. The key objectives of the certificate are the creation of added value to the company‘s clients with sustained and profitable growth, providing high-quality services punctually, and regularly updating the company‘s offered business proposition.

ISO 14001 – Environmental Management

As we realize the impact and the effect that our operations can have on the environment, Girteka takes a proactive approach to reduce its emissions. Our environmental management system is certified according to the ISO 14001 standard, as the company emphasizes environmentally-friendly solutions for its road transport processes. The logistics provider utilizes HVO, a vegetable oil-based alternative fuel, as well as its intermodal rail network to aggressively reduce the impact on the environment and the amount of CO2 that the company emits.

For further information on the work that Girteka Logistics does to protect the environment, please see our Corporate Sustainability Reports that are available here.

Good Distribution Practice (GDP)

Across its history, Girteka has partnered with numerous leading Pharma companies. To further prove our excellence when working with temperature-sensitive and crucial medical supplies, we adhere to all of the standards that are defined by the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) certificate, which was certified by SGS.

Girteka Logistics has dedicated personnel, trucks, and trailers, which are compliant with all GDP standards while we transport your pharmaceutical goods.

Benefits of allowing Girteka to handle your pharmaceutical logistics needs:

  • GDP compliant fleet;
  • Fully owned fleet of trucks and trailers dedicated to carrying your pharma goods;
  • Full truck load (FTL) network spanning across Europe, Scandinavia and the UK;
  • Punctual deliveries with high attention to detail and quality.
  • GDP compliant operating standards;
  • Access to our 24/7 service center, backed up by our SOS center to immediately react to any issues.

Safety & Quality Assessment System (SQAS) attestation

The attestation confirms that Girteka was assessed by an external party to confirm that the logistics provider‘s services adhere to all of the standards that are set out by the SQAS Transport Service Questionnaire and Guidelines, specifically covering the “Core” and “Transport Service Specific” elements.

SQAS is a detailed assessment that each company, working with chemical substances and the transportation of such substances, can be evaluated accordingly.

Transport Asset Protection Association (TAPA) TSR Level 1

Carrying items in a secure manner is crucial, thus our security management systems were certified according to the Transport Asset Protection Association (TAPA) TSR Level 1 standard. The standard outlines the minimal acceptable security requirements to ensure the protection of high-value and other cargo during the road transport process.

International Featured Standards (IFS) Logistics

Girteka was certified according to the International Featured Standards (IFS) Logistics services provider standard, namely IFS Logistics Version 2.3. The company achieved a Higher Level of the standard, which assures that Girteka, as a road freight transport provider, can provide high-quality services when carrying ambient stable, refrigerated and frozen food products, as well as non-food products according to internationally accepted quality and safety rules and regulations.

IFS Certificate for Girteka Europe West

IFS Certificate for Girteka Nordic