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Read more about the latest trends and news in the responsible logistics industry

The truth about the work of truck drivers. Good salary, interesting journeys, but also a huge responsibility

Picture of Alena Radziukevich

Alena Radziukevich

They choose a job that requires sacrifice, nerves of steel, and, above all, an enormous responsibility. A home, and often a friend, is something that for some people is just a piece of scrap metal – a truck. Madmen, you will think. More and more modern cowboys travel across Europe to make our lives better. What does the job of a truck driver look like today? We put forward this question to the professionals from Girteka, one of the largest transport companies in Europe.


  • Today, the profession of a driver is not the same as it used to be. The comfort of their work is constantly being improved due to the latest solutions in the field of safety and driving.
  • In the logistics sector, wages are rising faster than the average for the economy as a whole.
  • Working as a truck driver has its advantages and disadvantages:–“The most difficult thing is being separated from family, but everything changes when you know that you do it for them,” admits Mykola Mykitiuk, who has been working at Girteka for three years. “If you love what you do, you do not work at all. You just live an interesting, eventful life, and at the same time, carry out tasks that you try to fulfill responsibly,” adds Aliaksandra Suhynskaya, also a Girteka driver.

Truck driver – unfair sentence

The verdict was passed several years ago. Truck drivers are bad because they “abandoned their family for money”, because they are “road pirates”, or “truck drivers”. For years, these wrong assessments and negative comments, which often affect not only drivers’ skills but also their loved ones, have permeated public opinion. For years, a crooked image of those, who chose a profession that requires great responsibility and dedication, has been created. The reason? Usually, it results from ignorance to the specifics of drivers’ work or from our individual experiences. But did anyone ever consider that all goods and products are delivered today mostly by road transport and drivers? That it is thanks to them that we can safely place another online order, go to the store, and have access to fresh produce or new collections of clothes. It is worth stopping for a moment and considering how much we owe to them – the truck drivers, whom the functioning of the entire transport industry depends on.

“Drivers today are key to the development of the entire supply chain in Europe. Most logistic processes are based on road transport, which is the backbone of many economies and companies in the European Union. Currently, there is a lack of about 380,000 drivers in Europe. This is a clear argument in terms of focusing on legislative work that facilitates work as a driver for people from outside of the EU. At the same time, the development of digital solutions allows for an even greater improvement in the working conditions of drivers, which may make this profession more attractive,” says Mindaugas Paulauskas, CEO of Girteka Transport, responsible for the development of drivers and fleet.

They betray the truth. Why did they become truck drivers?

Aliaksandra Suhynskaya works for one of the largest transport companies in Europe, Girteka. –“Some time ago, I heard that I should stay in the kitchen and cook soup. I was not stopped by these negative, offensive taunts. The most important thing was to support the loved ones. Now they are proud of me. For them, my job is extremely difficult.”

Why did Aliaksandra choose such a profession? “It was close to my heart. I love driving, I love cars. I can travel, which has always interested me. I cannot sit within four walls for a long time. I also like meeting new people, their cultures, and their traditions. If you love what you do, you do not work at all. You just live an interesting, eventful life, and at the same time, carry out tasks that you try to fulfill responsibly,” admits Aliaksandra.

When asked about the most pleasant moment at work, Aliaksandra replies without hesitation: “I love mornings. Before going on tour, I drink a cappuccino and listen to my favorite music. In these moments I have such a sense of peace and harmony. I love the car I travel with. Driving it is very comfortable and cozy. By no means do I consider the car a “box”, as some of my colleagues say. For me, this is more than just a piece of metal and plastic. It is also home and a friend that I care for very much.”

And the cons? Aliaksandra does not like night driving, although, as she emphasizes, she does not have to travel too often after dark.

Mykola Mykitiuk, who has been working at Girteka for three years, admits that he initially chose the job for the money, but years later, when he got to know all its charm, he states that it is the best job that he could have. “We travel all over Europe, Scandinavia, and England. We travel and are properly rewarded for it. Of course, the most difficult thing is separation from the family, but everything changes when you know that you are doing it for them,” adds Mykola.

Safety and comfort of work – the basics of the driver

The profession of a driver is a huge responsibility. When setting off on a route with a 12-tonne truck, he not only has to deal with problems or restrictions on the route. The driver is aware of the mission being performed, after all, the cargo must be delivered to a specific place on time. The right approach and the ability to deal with stress certainly help. The development of the automotive market and digitalization of services also allowed for many improvements in logistics processes, including the work of the driver himself. Starting with the trucks and ending with communication and support tools.

The negative impact of transport on the environment is minimized, but also, the comfort of work of drivers is constantly improved. For example, they do not have to worry about documentation, confirmations or technical issues of the truck anymore, because all this is supervised by a team of people, planners, transport managers, IT specialists, and others, whose work allows the driver to concentrate only on driving.

“A truck is a driver’s workplace. The way it is equipped and how it supports its work, is crucial for maintaining the comfort of work. Solutions such as Transec, real-time monitoring, and theft protection are just some of the tools that are standard in our fleet today. However, our actions go further. Together with the digitalization process of the entire Girteka, we introduce several modern solutions that help drivers with their daily difficulties, and at the same time, improve the efficiency of their work. An example is the ECO League project, in which we encourage drivers to drive safer and more eco-friendly,” summarizes Mindaugas Paulauskas, CEO of Girteka Transport.

The salary increases

What about salary? This, as it turns out, is growing faster than the average for the entire economy. Truck drivers’ salaries depend on many factors (including seniority, actual routes, etc.). According to Inelo’s data, in international and mixed transport, the average net payout of a driver in 2021 was PLN 7.2 thousand zloty. According to the report, this means an increase of 12.5 percent in just one year. In many companies, drivers’ remuneration is verified several times a year and is usually associated with an increase.

It is also certain that companies know well how to protect their employees by offering them additional bonuses. For example, Girteka offers to its drivers numerous trainings, accommodation, and transport during employment and onboarding.

Driver wanted!

The logistics industry makes no secret of the fact that one of its biggest problems is a driver shortage. Unfortunately, the lack of qualified people has many consequences. But this may change, among others, thanks to you. A truck driver is a responsible profession, a profession in which you must reckon with separation, longing, and often, loneliness. However, like any other profession it also has advantages. Traveling, meeting new people, and gaining new experiences are just some of them. You will know more when you join this world.

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