Girteka Logistics, one of the largest transport and logistics companies in Europe, became a partner of the international scientific conference “Transbaltica 2019: Transportation Science and Technology.” For 11 years in a row the conference has been organized by the Faculty of Transport Engineering of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU).
On 2 May, Edvardas Liachovičius, CEO of Girteka Logistics, delivered a presentation “Redefining the European Truck Industry” at the plenary session of the conference. Sharing insights into the challenges and opportunities of cargo transportation, he said that the situation of the logistics sector in Europe, which is highly fragmented, is very favorable for expanding and developing your business. The leader of the organization suggested that Lithuania, a country that has a number of successful internationally operating transport companies, should be proud of its logistics sector as the Swiss are proud of their watches.E. Liachovičius, himself a VGTU graduate, wished all participants of the transport sector to invest in new technologies, to find the most suitable business model and to grow bigger and stronger. He also shared some of Girteka Logistics’ solutions helping to overcome the major challenges of the logistics industry.
The main objective of “Transbaltica 2019: Transportation Science and Technology” is to create favorable conditions for researchers to carry out their research and to look for solutions to problems in the transport system. During the conference, scientists from different European countries gave presentations, presented their research results, shared good practices, discussed and strengthened mutual relations.