PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR DRIVERS - Girteka - Responsible Logistics



When driving: 

1. Respond to meter readings and alarms:

  • know what to do when an alarm is triggered or measurement devices indicate that there is a problem – respond in less than 30 seconds;
  • maintain a steady speed without too much speeding in a curve (a turn or a bend), increase the speed only when leaving the curve (the turn or the bend), depending on how the road returns to straight;
  • release the brake pedal slightly before the curve to increase the steering effect; brakes are pushed more strongly before the curve (the turn or the bend), and before turning the steering wheel, the brake pedal is slightly released in order to have sufficient grip on the road surface;
  • while driving a vehicle with automatic gearbox on a curve and slippery road, control the accelerator pedal gently so that the lower gear engages a little earlier than it would be before the curve or before the more slippery road section;
  • release the accelerator pedal and use the vehicle’s inertia before stopping at a predetermined location (at the intersection where a stop light is on, there is a stop sign, etc.) or in other situations; when driving downhill, select the right gear so that the engine with the auxiliary braking system would brake effectively (if necessary) and working brake is not used too much or too long;

2. Select the correct position on the carriageway:

  • the vehicle on a carriageway should take the position that is safe for vehicles in motion or standing in front of and adjacent to the vehicle, if it is safe and does not conflict with the rules of the road, so that you can see as much as possible and that other traffic participants can see you in the best possible way;
  • avoid tailgating so that you can see more of the road ahead;
  • as you approach a poorly lit intersection, head to the middle of the carriageway to see as far ahead as you can beyond the turns;
  • pull as close as possible to the right as you approach the top of the hill or closer to the middle of the road, while driving past standing vehicles;

3. Track the situation and be vigilant:

  • Explore, observe and control the traffic environment in all directions as far as necessary to ensure safe driving before beginning to drive, when changing direction or turning, as the vehicle moves sideways by its width or more, to make sure that the manoeuvre will be carried out safely over the entire area the vehicle will pass when manoeuvring; also when performing a manoeuvre, please observe the situation in more than one direction, but making sure you look in the right direction at the right time;

4. Use Mirrors:

  • use rear-view mirrors as an integral part of the vehicle control system to assess any existing or potential hazards, look into the rear-view mirrors before driving, changing the direction of travel or turning when the vehicle moves sideways by its width or more, when entering a road section where you need to slow down or stop (junctions, railroad crossings, pedestrian crossings, residential areas and areas where there may be pedestrians, cyclists and stand-alone vehicles), when slowing speed, when braking (about three seconds in advance) and when braking (approx. in one second), turning at an intersection or entering an area near the road, when taking over;

5. Use of warning signals:

  • taking into account the volume of traffic on the road you are driving, the distances to the side roads, the speed of travel and so on, show the turn signal in the right direction in time to alert other traffic participants clearly and not to mislead them, and stop showing the signals on time: in advance (at least 30 metres before the start of the manoeuvre, unless there is a short distance between the nearest crossing / entry turn on the road ahead and the intended turning points, etc.) turn on the corresponding turn signal before changing the direction of travel or turning when the vehicle moves sideways by its width or more, turning at an intersection or entering the area near the road, when starting the manoeuvre;
  • show the turn signal for at least five seconds before the start of the ride and until the manoeuvre is complete;
  • turn off the turn signal at the latest after it blinks three times after the manoeuvre;

6. Choose a safe distance:

  • Drive the vehicle in such a way that the distance to the vehicle in front measured by the time it takes for the vehicle to travel is at least two seconds (at a speed of 80 km/h, the vehicle moves about 22 metres in one second), so at least 44 metres;
  • a distance of at least three seconds on a road with two or more lanes intended to travel in the same direction;
  • this distance must be doubled in tunnels, but in many European countries, the distance between freight vehicles must be at least 50 metres;
  • when stopping in the traffic, the distance between the vehicle in front and your vehicle is sufficient to overtake it (without changing the seating position you should see the back wheels of the vehicle standing in front of you on the road in front of you) but not less than 5 meters unless this is impossible due to a forced stop;
  • the distance to nearby vehicles or standing vehicles is safe, and in case of standing vehicles – the distance from the vehicle side should be enough to allow the car door to open.
Have a safe trip!