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Road Transportation Services
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Read more about the latest trends and news in the responsible logistics industry
Featured Insights
Read more about the latest trends and news in the responsible logistics industry
Explore how we offer daily flexibility and capacity tailored to your business needs across Europe, the UK, and Scandinavia
Start your collaborative journey here. Explore how our tailored solutions, customer-centric approach, and expert support can drive your business forward
Not sure which sustainable option to choose?
Learn more about the sustainable transportation solutions we offer
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Read more about the latest trends and news in the responsible logistics industry
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Read more about the latest trends and news in the responsible logistics industry

Refrigerated Transport Services in Europe

Ensuring Excellence in Temperature-Controlled Logistics with Girteka
  • About Girteka
  • Refrigerated Transportation
  • Effective transport solutions for your refrigerated goods.

About Girteka

Ensuring Excellence in Temperature-Controlled Logistics with Girteka

Warum sollte Girteka für den Kühltransport in ganz Europa?

Ihre verderblichen Waren sind unser Priorität. Maßgeschneiderte Routen und Dienstleistungen für temperaturempfindliche Logistik in ganz Europa.

Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen

Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte Routen und Dienstleistungen für Ihre speziellen Kühltransportanforderungen und garantieren die Qualität und Frische Ihrer Produkte von der Abholung bis zur Auslieferung.


Ausgedehntes Netzwerk

Unser ausgedehntes Streckennetz deckt die wichtigsten Länder und Logistikzentren in Europa ab und gewährleistet einen reibungslosen Kühltransport und eine flexible Verladung auf dem gesamten Kontinent.


Pünktliche Lieferungen

Pünktlichkeit ist das A und O. Unsere sorgfältige Planung und Liebe zum Detail garantiert die pünktliche Lieferung Ihrer verderblichen Produkte an jeden Ort in Europa.


Garantierte Kapazität

Wir sind das größte anlagenbasierte Straßengüterverkehrsunternehmen in Europa. Mit einer Flotte von über 9.200 Lkw und 9.800 Anhängern können wir auch in der Hochsaison Kapazitäten garantieren.


Umweltfreundliche Praktiken

Wir setzen uns für eine nachhaltige Zukunft des Straßengüterverkehrs ein. Deshalb bieten wir unseren Kunden umweltfreundliche Kühltransportlösungen an, um die Emissionen in der gesamten Lieferkette zu reduzieren.


24/7 Kunden service

Unser Kundenserviceteam steht Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung, um Ihre Fragen zu beantworten und Probleme proaktiv zu lösen, so dass Sie rund um die Uhr beruhigt sein können.


Why Choose Girteka for Refrigerated Transport in Europe?

Your Perishables are Our Priority

Refrigerated Full Truckload (FTL) Transportation

Dedicated refrigerated truckloads overseen by experienced staff ensuring the safety and integrity of your temperature-sensitive cargo, from fresh food to pharmaceuticals, throughout the journey.

Cold Chain Logistics Solutions

Comprehensive cold chain management from source to destination, ensuring continuous temperature and humidity control to maintain your perishable goods in perfect condition.

Express Refrigerated Delivery

Fast and reliable express delivery options with two-driver crews, without intermediaries for time-critical refrigerated goods, according to your requirements and specifications.

Real-Time Temperature Monitoring

Stay in control. Keep track of your cargo’s temperature in real-time for optimal product integrity, using our Real-Time Visibility (RTV) solutions powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Cross-Border Refrigerated Shipping

Streamlined and efficient cross-border services for your perishable goods, facilitated by an end-to-end logistics provider operating an extensive network across Europe.

Return Logistics

Efficient and reliable reverse logistics for the return of reusable packaging or other materials in temperature-controlled conditions. All for the benefit of your business.

Customs Clearance Assistance

Simplify your supply chain. Smooth customs processes with our expert assistance in documentation and customs clearance for your cross-border refrigerated shipments.

Dedicated Account Management

Personalized day-to-day support and coordination for your refrigerated transport needs with a dedicated account manager ready to assist you 24/7.

Data Analytics and Reporting

Increased transparency. Access detailed analytics and reports on your shipment’s journey, temperature data, and delivery times to stay on top of your supply chain.

Which solution to choose?

Learn more

Effective way to transport your refrigerated goods

Ensuring Excellence in Temperature-Controlled Logistics with Girteka

Girteka’s Refrigerated Transport Network in Europe

Ensuring Excellence in Temperature-Controlled Logistics with Girteka

Refrigerated Road Transportation Price

Ready to elevate your refrigerated logistics? Get a tailored temperature-controlled transportation solution today.
Save by working directly with an end-to-end logistics provider.
From single to multiple shipments, we can handle it all.
Timely deliveries, reliable capabilities, and unrivalled service quality.
Slash your carbon emissions with our sustainable solutions.

Get a Quote

Fill out the form to receive a personalized quote for your transportation needs. Our team will contact you within one business hour   


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    For your convenience, our dedicated Customer Service team speaks multiple languages. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns – we are ready to answer all your inquiries