The Digital Trucking Company replaces its Mission and Vision - Girteka - Responsible Logistics

The Digital Trucking Company replaces its Mission and Vision


Getting ready for peak season 2020 Girteka Logistics replaces the traditional Mission & Vision, with a more meaningful sense of purposе.

Our Sense of Purpose defines our culture, work, and the services we provide to our clients.  Delivering on our Clients promises to their end customers is what transport & logistics is all about. Truckload by truckload we drive the distance between factories and families throughout Europe, Scandinavia, and Russia.

Being the first choice for our employees, partners, shareholders, and other stakeholders are a must to reach the ultimate goal of being the first choice for our customers.

With our sense of purpose, we want to be the obvious first choice for our communities, clients, colleagues, suppliers, and other stakeholders.